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The coin of Qing , whose name is the coin of Qing , was in 1900 (the 26th year of of Qing ) and ended in 1911 (the third year of ), and its time was short. Many Qing coins as their reign. The use of coins has and , which makes the more . The coins of the Qing were by 19 and , with many and , those who made ten , the of the . The use of e-type coins in Qing had and at that time, and it was also very well-known in the coin , and an .





The coins of Qing are the of -made coins. They are well-known and have of the times. They are loved by coin of their and , and few . The Qing coins are the and left to us by our . Even if they did not have the and , their value with the of time. They are very in the , and have an value!

此枚光绪年造户部鄂字版大清铜币·当制钱十文品相精致,钱币正面珠圈内铸有“大清铜币”四字,中间为“鄂”字(鄂指的是湖北省);珠圈外上缘铸满文及干支纪年“丙午”,左右分列“户部”二字,下环“当制钱十文”,字体挺拔俊美,极具书法艺术价值。钱币背面珠圈内为蟠龙图案,腾云驾雾,威风凛凛;珠圈外有“光绪年造”及“TAI CHING TI KUO COIN”(汉译为大清帝国铜币)字样。中华上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面大清铜币宁字版十文戊申真品铜币,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀,龙成了中国的象征、中华民族的象征、中国文化的象征!此币正面文字清秀俊美,大气磅礴,背面龙纹打造深峻清晰(天学网)大清铜币的现实意义和历史意义,包浆自然,铸造精湛,包浆自然,钱币经过了时间的洗礼,平添几分沧桑的历史韵味,相辅相成、相得益彰,属于难得珍品,极具收藏价值!



This coin of the Qing was made in Hubu in the year of 。 The ten of the coin are 。 There are four of " coin" in the front of the coin, and the word "e" is in the (e to Hubei ); the upper edge of the bead is cast with and "", with two of "Hubu" on the left and right, and " " in the lower ring。 The font is and , which is of great value of 。

On the back of the coin, there is a the bead , which is and ; the bead are the words "made in year" and "Tai Ching Ti Kuo coin"。 For of years in China, the has into all of and a kind of and 。 The has the of China, the of the and the of ! The front of this coin is and , and the on the back is deep and clear。

It is and 。 It has been by time and has added some charm。 It each other and each other。 It is a rare and has great value!


标签: 大清 铸造 流通 光绪 背面
